Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thank You Notes

Yesterday, I went to my mailbox and was so excited to find lots of great things: the newest J. Crew and Pottery Barn Catalogues, an issue of People, and an issue of Fitness. Even better, the People was free and the Fitness was free from Coke Reward Points. Just another reminder of why drinking Diet Coke is a good idea. But tucked in between my mags was a handwritten envelope. I was so excited that I was getting for  real mail. And then I opened it.

It was a thank you note. From Nordstrom. Now, I was raised to always send a thank you note and have never really found an situation where it was inappropriate to send one. But that has changed.
This is what the note said :

Dear Allie,
Thank you so much for shopping with us here at Nordstrom. It was such a pleasure helping you, and I do hope you are enjoying your Spanx! Come back and visit us soon!
Cassie (with a heart over the I)
(lingerie and hosiery)

I love Nordstrom. I really do. They have the prettiest purses, best makeup, great shoes, and clothes in all price ranges. However, I think this is a bit much. Wearing Spanx isnt so much a fun activity or treat you enjoy, like say a new  pair of Tory Burch Reva's, its something you do because you have to. Beauty isnt always natural sometimes we all need a little help. On the plus side, it did make me laugh for a good 5 minutes after opening it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Living in an apartment complex is sometimes like living in an episode of "Seinfield" sans the 90's clothing. Mine is no expection. Me and 2 of my close friends all live in one complex , "The Reserve" . Its like being in college sometimes without the homework. We have coffee mornings and pool days, and we have had a lof of fun getting to "know" our neighbors. And by know, I mean making up what we think their lives are like based on how they act.

Meet "old tan pool guy". He is about 65. He's tan. He sits at the pool EVERY day. He doesnt read, just sits and looks around, not in a creepy way. I know what you're thinking- if you know he's at the pool every day, then so are you. Not the point. :) We just cant figure out why he doesnt work - he looks clean cut.

Then there's "Perfect Running Girl". She is tall, blonde, and leggy. And she runs in perfectly coordinating outfits and a hair is never out of place when she comes back into the Reserve after her worksout. We have also spotted her doing squats on the sidewalk outside the complex- with her bottom facing traffic. I wish I had that confidence. And we all make faces of disgust as we go out to dinner while she finishes up her workout and then goes to eat her well balanced meat with lean protein and leafy greens.

But perhaps the most interesting of the residents is the mystery boy in 2402. He received a wedding invitation intended for me by accident and sent the following note :

"Dear Sender,
I live at 2402 **** Drive and received your letter. Unfortunately, Allie does not live here. I am sending you your letter back unopened so you may re-route it.

I assume its a wedding invitation from the envelope---Congrats and Good Luck


We have come up with all sorts of stories about 2402.  One things for sure- he's WAY nicer than me- I would have never done that. And that makes me a little sad- and a little challenged in a good way. That in the world of email, and facebook, and instant-ness, that he took the time to do something for a stranger, someone he may never meet and for which wont get anything in return.
Thank you 2402 for reminding me of how I can show Jesus' love to others to- "love your neighbor as yourself".

Monday, July 30, 2012

If you know me at all, you know that I love the Olympics more than most. In college, I made my roomates watch the figure skating finals with me and commanded that they 1) pay attention 2) get excited  3) watch till the end, even if it meant they were tired in class and 4 ) love Dick Button's bizarre comments as much as me.

It comes as no surprise that the Olympics right now have become my main focus. Last night, I watched all 5 hours of programming. Im not ashamed. So, as my "gift" to you, being the self proclaimed Olympics expert that I am, here's my thoughts so far.

1) Bob Costas is as charming as ever. It would be my dream come true to one day join him in the  "IBC"

2) Brendan Hansen winning the bronze over Kitajima and saying " This is the shinest Bronze medal you will ever see" was one of my favorite moments. Tied closely with the American women winning the silver in syncronized diving.

3) What is with the Fab Five's ponytails?? Im glad they've toned down the use of those metal clippies that Shannon Miller was oh, so fond of, but please pull the ponytail ALL the way through (like Jordyn and the entire Russian Federation) or put it in a bun.

4) The gynasts make it look so easy that I acutally got on the floor of my apartment last night and tried to do a handstand. Call me the flying squirrel, or elephant. Your choice.

5) Oh, Bela Karolyi - still as awesome as he was in the days of the magificent 7.

6) The olympics always remind me of one of my best friends Danielle. We realized early on in college of our co- LOVE of the olympics. There are few people who can name all memebers of the magnificent 7 at the drop of a hat and be willing to imitate Keri Strug wtih you.  And years later, we can read each other minds even 800 miles away during them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Allie's Big Day Off

I'm a nurse. I work three nights a week. Yes, that means I have four days off a week. However, when you are me, those days seem to disappear without warning, like today.

I worked last night so I got to bed around 9 am (a little late, greys anatomy season 2 sucked me in) and slept until 1. My plan was to go to the gym, get my haircut, and then get some errands done until dinner plans at 730. The day started off well. I did get to the gym and did the stair stepper until my legs fell off. But I did not plan my time well, so stinky Allie had to go get her hair cut without showereing. I stopped on my way to dunkin donuts where I had to repeat my order 4 times. FOUR. Once I got my correct order, I was on my way

I arrived at the hair salon at 415 for my appointment and was greeted and informed that the hot water heater was broken, but was being fixed so the wait would be a little longer. No problem. They had an ample supply of US Weekley's so I was very entertained while learning how Katie is doing post Tom split. Finally, after about 45 minutes the new heater was in but was still going to take 30 mins to heat up. I told them I could probably just use the cold water. I lied. The water felt like I was taking a shower in the Arctic so I decided to just wait it out. To make an already too long story end, I left at 630. Yes, over 2 hours.For a trim. The same haircut I have had since high school. By the time I got home it was 715 (yay atlanta traffic) and I had not showered or eaten all day. I cancelled my dinner plans on account of being stinky and fussy.

However, they did give me a free shampoo for being a patient customer. So that is what I do with my days off. Mabey I need more than four a week.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

proof is in the animal crackers.

I was walking through target and spotted this.

All I can say is that- if its lilly pulitzer, I will buy it. Even though I dont really like animal crackers- they're too lemony. However., that is not the point. I contemplated buying lots of boxes in case I happened to throw a spontaneous lilly pulitzer themed baby shower in the next few months- I would have great favors. But then I realized (a little sadly I might admit) that I was in dream land. So  I setteled for 2 boxes. Im not really sure why I even needed 2 boxes, except that in dream land I can come up with some pinterest-esq craft with the box.  dream land is nice. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I made a major life decision over the weekend.

I joined LA Fitness.

I know, huge. Not as big as cancelling my cable would have been if I followed through with that claim, but still a big deal.

As part of my membership package, I got a free fitness assessment with a guy named Larry. I  dont like to pass up something free so I signed up. When I went into the appointment, I was FULLY aware it was a sales pitch to get me to sign up for a personal trainer, but I had already told my friend on the phone as I walked in, "They can say whatever they want, there is NO way Im signing up for anything."  Larry and I chatted about my weight, goals, current body fat percentage- all things I love discussing with a boy in a public place. But I swallowed my pride and was honest in order to make it worth my while. Larry then decided to go over what he thought was a good timeline- and hit me with this gem, " Well, this will be a great opportunity for you to ring in 30 strong!"

stop. right. there.

I am a MORE than 2 years away from 30. Why, why, would Larry want to age me to that dark number so fast. I gave him the death stare- like it was the Hunger games, and told him we would NOT be referring to 30 as my goal and to not again mention my future birthday. Fortunatly, he thought i was just hilarous and said we could use the new year as my new goal. Good idea, Larry. He gave me a very informative lecture about how to lose weight, build lean muscle, etc. You know the same stuff  I read about in Fitness, Self, and Glamour every month and promptly ignore, but for some reason, it was really making sense today. Larry also gave me some pointers about my eating habits: too much diet coke was his main critique. Lets just say I moved that piece of information promplty into the forget part of my brain. Its just not going to happen. He also suggested that for my after dinner snack (known to most as dessert) I substitude sweets for a high fiber cereal or vegetables. How can I even begin to respond that?

Finally, we got to the workout part of the assessment. And was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it! I have the attention span of a small child when it comes to working out. Having someone there to force me to complete and exericse as well as show me what to do was really helpful. After the session, Larry asked me if I would like inforamation on the programs they have, and before I realized it, I said, yes please. 

And 20 minutes later I was the proud new owner of a personal trainer.
Congratulations, LA Fitness, I took the bait.
But I dont think its a bad change. In fact, Im kind of excited about it :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wish List

I long to be the kind of person who can walk into anthropologie and pick out something to wear. But I'm not that cool yet. However, I did need to buy a wedding shower gift for a friend and she was registered there so I decided to head over. Even if I cant pick out clothes yet from there, I can pick out an awesome housewear or five that I love.

I walked in and asked the sales girl at the front how I could get a copy of my friends registry. She rolled her eyes and declared with utter disgust, "we dont have REGISTRIES, we have WISH LISTS." this is going to go real well. I resisted the urge to make a snap back and wispered" be Jesus " to myself and asked where I could get a copy of the wish list. She motioned towards the register. At the register, the sales girl had to page the manager 3 times to figure out how to access it, and then was annoyed when I asked to have a copy printed. Hello? Has this woman ever shopped off a registry, err, wish list? One needs the list in hand so you can walk around see what the bride picked out, what you like, and then make your final decision. I know I do things my own way, like take my pizza apart when I eat it, but I dont think Im alone on this one.

Finally, I had the list in hand and began to shop. Only then did I remember that I hadn't had lunch or diet coke yet and the combo was making me very very hangry (you know the hungry/angry phenomenon). After a lunch break and meeting up with my aunt, I went back to tackle the project. I thought the hardest part was over. Wrong. After combing the "Wish list" and comparing skew numbers to find the exact item, I finally had a great gift. However, at the registy I learned that THEY DONT TAKE ITEMS OFF THE WISH LIST FOR YOU. 4 20 something sales girls surrounded me and explained me that its impossible to indicate which items you purchased. When I questioned them, I got many a confused look-as if none of them have ever been to a bridal shower and realize the importance of this feature. I dont want to go to the shower and watch the bride open four of the same things. I finally just smiled and asked them to gift wrap the box for me.
And you know what the irony is of the whole thing, they win. Why? Because they have the best stuff. So Ill just rant and rave, and then one day register there myself.